I am trying to transform an input data where I need to transform/replace the text on the basis of a regex. Not able to find any examples on how this can be done in Jolt spec. Could someone please help on this. Thanks!
"name": "abc_google@gmail.com"
"name": "ayan.agrawal$1990@gmail.com"
Regex to be used
Expected output:
"name": "abcgoogle@gmailcom"
"name": "ayanagrawal$1990@gmailcom"
You cannot do in the way of doing with a regex. Need to think on the contrary manner, eg. rendering individually by each character to be removed, and we can do it by successively applying split and join functions such as
"operation": "modify-overwrite-beta",
"spec": {
"*": {
"nm0": "=split('\\.',@(1,name))",
"nm1": "=join('',@(1,nm0))",
"nm2": "=split('_',@(1,nm1))",
"name": "=join('',@(1,nm2))"
"operation": "remove",
"spec": {
"*": {
"nm*": ""