I use clickhouse
to store logs, logs are imported into clickhouse as rows.
I have a table tableA
with PRIMARY KEY id ORDER BY (id, capture_time, offset)
, where capture_time
is DateTime64(3) and offset
is UInt64.
`id` String,
`offset` UInt64,
`capture_time` DateTime64(3),
`server_time` DateTime64(3),
`indexed_tags` Map(String, String),
`unindexed_tags` Map(String, String),
`content` String
) ENGINE = HaMergeTree(
) PARTITION BY toDate(capture_time)
(id, capture_time, offset)
TTL toDate(capture_time) + INTERVAL 30 DAY
SETTINGS index_granularity = 4096
My query case is SELECT columnA from tableA where id = 'id_a' order by (capture_time, offset) desc limit 1000
But I found that query using order by (capture_time, offset)
(takes 6 sec) is much slower than order by capture_time
or order by offset
(takes 1 sec), which confused me very much.
Does anyone familiar with clickhouse tell me why this is? Or how can I speed up my query? Thanks in advance!
1000 rows in set. Elapsed: 8.347 sec. Match materialized view: 0. Processed 1.21 million rows, 3.48 GB uncompressed bytes, 3.42 GB compressed bytes (144.81 thousand rows/s, 416.90 MB/s, 409.47 MB/s.)
1000 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.900 sec. Match materialized view: 0. Processed 1.21 million rows, 3.46 GB uncompressed bytes, 3.41 GB compressed bytes (1.34 million rows/s, 3.84 GB/s, 3.79 GB/s.)
1000 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.845 sec. Match materialized view: 0. Processed 1.21 million rows, 3.46 GB uncompressed bytes, 3.42 GB compressed bytes (1.43 million rows/s, 4.10 GB/s, 4.05 GB/s.)
1000 rows in set. Elapsed: 11.025 sec. Match materialized view: 0. Processed 1.65 million rows, 4.73 GB uncompressed bytes, 4.68 GB compressed bytes (150.06 thousand rows/s, 428.86 MB/s, 424.30 MB/s.)
It should be without ( )
SELECT columnA from tableA
where id = 'id_a'
order by capture_time, offset
desc limit 1000