The file Editor.js in the components directory contains this
const Editor = () => {
//some states
const [mathEditorVisible, setMathEditorVisible] = useState(false);
//some other code
This is Form.js in the utils directory:
//some imports
export const handleSaveFormula = (latex) => {
//some code
This is Editor.js in the utils directory:
//some exports
export const editExpression = () => {
//some code
Now, I want to import the setMathEditorVisible from Editor.js in the components directory where it is defined to the Editor.js and Form.js files in the utils directory. This error occurs if I do not import it
Line 17:8: 'setMathEditorVisible' is not defined no-undef
Line 49:7: 'setMathEditorVisible' is not defined no-undef
And of course it will because it is undefined for now.
I just passed the state as an argument to the functions where I need to manage it and it works as expected, thank you guys for your consideration!