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react-highlightjs not highlighting syntax code as expected

I am using react-highlight to highlight code in my next.js app, but I am getting the following code highlight while using the a11y-dark theme


But on official website of They have given following highlight using the same theme(a11y-dark)


There is a huge difference between both. I am not able to get where this difference is coming from.

I also imported stylesheets correctly. My next.js code is as follows. Can anyone tell how to fix this. Thanks!

'use client'
import styles from './Code.module.css'
import Highlight from 'react-highlight' 
import '../../node_modules/highlight.js/styles/a11y-dark.css'

export const Code = (props)=>{

    <section className={styles.code}>
        <div className={styles.type}>
            <select name="type" className={styles.type_select}>
                <option value="vjs">Vanilla Javascript</option>
                <option value="rjs">ReactJS / NextJS</option>
        <div className={styles.main_code}>
            <Highlight language="javascript">{props.code}</Highlight>


  • I'm not sure what the issue with react-highlight is but there's a separate package that will give you what you want: react-syntax-highlighter

    Full code here:

    import React from 'react';
    import SyntaxHighlighter from 'react-syntax-highlighter';
    import { a11yDark } from 'react-syntax-highlighter/dist/esm/styles/hljs';
    const CodeBlock: React.FC<{ codestring: string }> = ({ codestring }) => {
      return (
    function App() {
      var code = `function $initHighlight(block, cls) {
        try {
          if (\bno\-highlight\b/) != -1)
            return process(block, true, 0x0F) +
                   \` class="\${cls}"\`;  
        } catch (e) {
          /* handle exception */
        for (var i = 0 / 2; i < classes.length; i++) {
          if (checkCondition(classes[i]) === undefined)
              return /\d+[\s/]/g;
           return 0xA;
        export  $initHighlight;`;
      return (
        <div className="w-1/2 bg-blue-700">
          <CodeBlock codestring={code} />
    export default App;

    I tested the a11yDark style and it matches your second screenshot: enter image description here