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Conditional Format and highlight difference between two excel files

I have two different files that are generated every week by our team regarding product invoices. It has product id and order date column.

The same product can be ordered in different weeks. How to identify and highlight the order date column in the latest week that has same product id.


Week 1:


Week 2:


In week 2 workbook I want to highlight the date for which product id is same in both week 1 and 2 but date is different (example here is ID:1234). Unable to conditional format because it gives me error as cannot apply between two different excel files. Allowed in same excel file but different sheets. My data here is in two different excel files (workbooks).

I cannot copy week 1 data to a new sheet in week 2 file because these excels need to be delivered to client as is and it is huge data. I just need to highlight the re-ordered items (change in date for same product).


  • Highlight Differences

    Sub HighlightDifferences()
        Const SRC_FILE_PATH As String = "C:\Test\Week1.xlsx"
        Const SRC_SHEET As String = "Sheet1"
        Const SRC_EQUAL_COLUMN As Long = 1
        Const SRC_NOT_EQUAL_COLUMN As Long = 2
        Const DST_FILE_PATH As String = "C:\Test\Week2.xlsx"
        Const DST_SHEET As String = "Sheet1"
        Const DST_EQUAL_COLUMN As Long = 1
        Const DST_NOT_EQUAL_COLUMN As Long = 2
        Const DST_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR As Long = vbYellow
        ' Source
        Dim swb As Workbook: Set swb = Workbooks.Open(SRC_FILE_PATH)
        Dim sws As Worksheet: Set sws = swb.Sheets(SRC_SHEET)
        Dim serg As Range, snrg As Range, srCount As Long
        With sws.Range("A1").CurrentRegion
            srCount = .Rows.Count - 1
            If srCount < 1 Then
                MsgBox "No data in source worksheet.", vbCritical
                Exit Sub
            End If
            With .Resize(srCount).Offset(1)
                Set serg = .Columns(SRC_EQUAL_COLUMN)
                Set snrg = .Columns(SRC_NOT_EQUAL_COLUMN)
            End With
        End With
        Dim seData(), snData()
        If srCount = 1 Then
            ReDim seData(1 To 1, 1 To 1): seData(1, 1) = serg.Value
            ReDim snData(1 To 1, 1 To 1): snData(1, 1) = snrg.Value
            seData = serg.Value
            snData = snrg.Value
        End If
        'swb.Close SaveChanges:=False
        Dim dict As Object: Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
        dict.CompareMode = vbTextCompare
        Dim nValue, sr As Long, eStr As String
        For sr = 1 To srCount
            eStr = CStr(seData(sr, 1))
            If Not dict.Exists(eStr) Then
                Set dict(eStr) = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
            End If
            nValue = snData(sr, 1)
            If Not dict(eStr).Exists(nValue) Then
                dict(eStr)(nValue) = Empty
            End If
        Next sr
        Erase seData
        Erase snData
    '    Dim Key, Item
    '    For Each Key In dict.Keys
    '        Debug.Print Key
    '        For Each Item In dict(Key).Keys
    '            Debug.Print Item ' Debug.Print Format(Item, "mm\/dd\/yyyy")
    '        Next Item
    '    Next Key
        ' Destination
        Dim dwb As Workbook: Set dwb = Workbooks.Open(DST_FILE_PATH)
        Dim dws As Worksheet: Set dws = dwb.Sheets(DST_SHEET)
        Dim derg As Range, dnrg As Range, drCount As Long
        With dws.Range("A1").CurrentRegion
            drCount = .Rows.Count - 1
            If drCount < 1 Then
                MsgBox "No data in destination worksheet.", vbCritical
                Exit Sub
            End If
            With .Resize(drCount).Offset(1)
                Set derg = .Columns(DST_EQUAL_COLUMN)
                Set dnrg = .Columns(DST_NOT_EQUAL_COLUMN)
            End With
        End With
        Dim deData(), dnData()
        If drCount = 1 Then
            ReDim deData(1 To 1, 1 To 1): deData(1, 1) = derg.Value
            ReDim dnData(1 To 1, 1 To 1): dnData(1, 1) = dnrg.Value
            deData = derg.Value
            dnData = dnrg.Value
        End If
        ' The Loop
        Dim durg As Range, r As Long
        For dr = 1 To drCount
            eStr = deData(dr, 1)
            If dict.Exists(eStr) Then
                nValue = dnData(dr, 1)
                If Not dict(eStr).Exists(nValue) Then
                    If durg Is Nothing Then
                        Set durg = dnrg.Cells(dr)
                        Set durg = Union(durg, dnrg.Cells(dr))
                    End If
                End If
            End If
        Next dr
        ' Highlight
        If Not durg Is Nothing Then
            dnrg.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone ' clear existing...
            durg.Interior.Color = DST_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR ' ... and apply new highlights
        End If
        'dwb.Save SaveChanges:=True
        ' Inform.
        MsgBox "Differences highlighted.", vbInformation
    End Sub

    enter image description here

    Dictionary Contents Printed in the Immediate window (Ctrl+G)
