I'm trying to use the return value of my function as arguments for my function, however the fact that it's a tuple is being problematic. This is further compounded by the fact that it will not always be a tuple.
function foo(initial_state, indexer = 0) {
// does something
return [initial_state, indexer + 1];
I want to be able to sometimes use the function as simply
but also I want to call the function with the return, as such..
Instead of the desired behavior, the tuple is put into initial_state, whereas I would want it deconstructed to match the arguments in the function.
I can obviously do a temporary variable like
let some_state, some_index = foo();
foo(some_state, some_index);
But that seems very ugly. There has to be a better way.
Use the spread syntax:
function foo(initial_state, indexer = 0) {
return [initial_state, indexer + 1];
console.log(foo(...foo(0, 0)));