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Converting huge JSON object to Blob by stringifying "directly into" an ArrayBuffer/Blob to avoid maximum string length error


I have some code like this in my application:

let blob = new Blob([JSON.stringify(json)], {type: "application/json"});

However, it sometimes fails because in Chrome the maximum string length is ~500MB, and json can sometimes be larger than this.


I'm looking for a way to go straight from my json variable (i.e. a POJO) to a Blob, probably via some sort of streaming stringification that saves to an ArrayBuffer as it goes. Or any other way to get a large json object into a Blob without running into a 'maximum string length' error.


  • Solution must work in the browser.
  • If an existing library is proposed in an answer, it must not be one that expects the json to simply be an array, since that case is very easy to handle. It must instead expect an arbitrarily nested JSON object where e.g. 90% of the data could be in rather than spread evenly over the top-level keys, or whatever.
  • I am not looking for a solution that expects a stream as an input, and results in a stream of string chunks as the output, like json-stream-stringify or streaming-json-stringify, for example. Instead, I'd like to input an already-in-memory POJO, and get a Blob out which contains the stringified JSON.


  • How to use JSONStream to stringify a large object - OP seems to have a similar problem, but is specifically asking about JSONStream, which is for Node.js rather than the browser, and I think the solution given just saves to a file key-by-key, rather than in a "fully nested" manner? If there's a way to get this working in the browser in a way that results in an ArrayBuffer that contains the larger-than-maximum-string-length JSON string for arbitrarily nested, objects, then that would definitely qualify as an answer.
  • How to use streams to JSON stringify large nested objects in Node.js? - same as above.


  • This works:

    function jsonToBlob(json) {
      const textEncoder = new TextEncoder();
      const seen = new WeakSet();
      function processValue(value) {
        if(seen.has(value)) {
          throw new TypeError("Converting circular structure to JSON");
        if(value && typeof value.toJSON === "function") {
          value = value.toJSON();
        if(typeof value === 'object' && value !== null) {
          const blobParts = [];
          const entries = Array.isArray(value) ? value : Object.entries(value);
          for(let i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
            if(Array.isArray(value)) {
            } else {
              const [key, val] = entries[i];
              blobParts.push(textEncoder.encode(JSON.stringify(key) + ':'), processValue(val));
            if(i !== entries.length - 1) blobParts.push(textEncoder.encode(','));
          const startBracket = Array.isArray(value) ? '[' : '{';
          const endBracket = Array.isArray(value) ? ']' : '}';
          return new Blob([textEncoder.encode(startBracket), ...blobParts, textEncoder.encode(endBracket)]);
        } else if(typeof value === 'function' || typeof value === 'undefined') {
          return textEncoder.encode("null");
        } else {
          // For primitives we just convert it to string and encode
          return textEncoder.encode(JSON.stringify(value));
      return processValue(json);

    ✅ Test 1:

    let blob = jsonToBlob([{hello:{foo:[1,2,3], a:1, bar:["a", 2, {$hi:[1,2,3, {a:3}]}]}}, 4, new Date(),, (()=>{})]);
    console.log(JSON.parse(await blob.text()));

    ✅ Test 2:

    let json = {};
    for(let i = 0; i < 600000; i++) {
      json[Math.random()] = Math.random().toString().repeat(100);
    let blob = jsonToBlob(json);
    console.log(blob); // ~1 GB

    Will update this answer if I find any errors/problems when this gets to production.

    Update: One year later, the only issue I've run into the with the above solution is that it's a bit slow in some cases. Here's a version that produces the exact same output but is more than 10x faster in my real-world tests:

    function jsonToBlob(json) {
      const textEncoder = new TextEncoder();
      const seen = new WeakSet();
      let buffer = new Uint8Array(1024 * 1024); // Start with 1MB buffer
      let position = 0;
      let stringBuffer = '';
      function ensureCapacity(additionalBytes) {
        if (position + additionalBytes > buffer.length) {
          const newBuffer = new Uint8Array(Math.max(buffer.length * 2, position + additionalBytes));
          buffer = newBuffer;
      function writeToBuffer(str) {
        const encoded = textEncoder.encode(str);
        buffer.set(encoded, position);
        position += encoded.length;
      function flushStringBuffer() {
        if (stringBuffer.length > 0) {
          stringBuffer = '';
      function processValue(value) {
        if (seen.has(value)) {
          throw new TypeError("Converting circular structure to JSON");
        if (value && typeof value.toJSON === "function") {
          value = value.toJSON();
        if (typeof value === 'object' && value !== null) {
          const isArray = Array.isArray(value);
          stringBuffer += isArray ? '[' : '{';
          let first = true;
          for (const [key, val] of Object.entries(value)) {
            if (!first) stringBuffer += ',';
            first = false;
            if (!isArray) {
              stringBuffer += JSON.stringify(key) + ':';
          stringBuffer += isArray ? ']' : '}';
        } else if (typeof value === 'function' || typeof value === 'undefined') {
          stringBuffer += 'null';
        } else {
          stringBuffer += JSON.stringify(value);
        // Flush the string buffer if it gets too large
        if (stringBuffer.length > 1024) {
      return new Blob([buffer.subarray(0, position)]);