In JavaScript Reflect.ownKeys()
is the only function that returns both regular keys and keys that are symbols, as far as I know of at least. Other functions--for example Object.getOwnPropertyNames()
--always return the keys in the order of declaration. However, with Reflect.ownKeys()
the symbols are always at the end, regardless of that order.
Consider the following example:
const symbolProperty = Symbol('symbolProperty');
const object = {
[symbolProperty]: 'Symbol Property',
regularProperty: 'Regular Property'
// Returns 0: "regularProperty", 1: Symbol("symbolProperty")
Is there any way I can get all keys in the predictable order of declaration, like with Object.getOwnPropertyNames()
? So for my example:
// 0: Symbol("symbolProperty"), 1: "regularProperty"
Please note that this should work with any object, without a separate array keeping track of the keys, or a similar "hack." If anyone knows how I can modify the array or of a different function to achieve the expected result it would be greatly appreciated.
Edit: The behavior of Object.getOwnPropertyNames()
is implementation dependent, so depending on the environment it may not produce the results I observed and mentioned in this question.
You can iterate over the map
and get keys in the order they were inserted
const symbolProperty = Symbol('symbolProperty');
const map = new Map([
[symbolProperty, 'Symbol Property'],
['regularProperty', 'Regular Property']
for (const key of map.keys()) {
console.log(key.toString()); //toString() only to show Symbol in console