I Have two entity class Movie and movie cast with one to one relationship when I save them it is saved properly in DB(Postgres)
but when I do find by Id I get recursive/cascading result meaning:
Movie object is having the movie cast and then further internal movie cast is having a movie object which further has movie cast (see below response)
"movieName": "The Shawshank Redemption5",
"creationDateTime": "2023-06-29T20:12:07.379",
"updatedDateTime": "2023-06-29T20:12:07.379",
"releaseDate": "1994-01-01",
"releaseYear": 1997,
"type": "DRAMA",
"movieCasts": {
"castId": 1,
"movie": {
"movieName": "The Shawshank Redemption5",
"creationDateTime": "2023-06-29T20:12:07.379",
"updatedDateTime": "2023-06-29T20:12:07.379",
"releaseDate": "1994-01-01",
"releaseYear": 1997,
"type": "DRAMA",
"movieCasts": {
"castId": 1,
"movie": {
"movieName": "The Shawshank Redemption5",
"creationDateTime": "2023-06-29T20:12:07.379",
"updatedDateTime": "2023-06-29T20:12:07.379",
"releaseDate": "1994-01-01",
"releaseYear": 1997,
"type": "DRAMA",
"movieCasts": {
"castId": 1,
"movie": {
...... and so on
My Entity class is :
public class Movie {
@Column(nullable = false, unique = true)
private String movieName;
@Column(nullable = false)
private LocalDate releaseDate;
@Column(nullable = false)
private Integer releaseYear;
private GENRE type;
@OneToOne(cascade = {CascadeType.ALL})
@JoinColumn(name="cast_id",referencedColumnName = "castId")
private MovieCast movieCasts;
public class MovieCast {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE)
private Long castId;
// @OneToOne
@OneToOne(mappedBy = "movieCasts")
private Movie movie;
private String director;
private String producer;
private String leadActor;
private String leadActress;
private String [] otherActors;
public class MovieEntityRepo {
private EntityManager em;
public Movie findByName(String name){
return em.find(Movie.class,name);
DB snippet after save
Movies table
movie_name,creation_date,release_date,release_year,type,updation_date, **cast_id**
The Shawshank Redemption5,2023-06-29 20:12:07.379,1994-01-01,1997,DRAMA,2023-06-29 20:12:07.379,**1**
1,director1,leader1,leader2,58 bytes,producer1
UPDATING THE Screen shot of actual issue , my issue is not for json but the find method
There are two similar issues with your code. Both result in an infinit loop and stackoverflow.
as already explained in another answer.toString()
method. Both entities have this method generated by Lombok
with @Data
Add @ToString.Exclude
annotation to the Movie field like this:
@OneToOne(mappedBy = "movieCasts")
private Movie movie;