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k8s, without information about CPU and Memory

I got empty values for CPU and Memory, when I used igztop for check running pods in iguazio/mlrun solution. See the first line in output for this pod *m6vd9:

[ jist @ iguazio-system 07:41:43 ]->(0) ~ $ igztop -s cpu
| NAME                                                         | CPU(m) | MEMORY(Mi) | NODE      | STATUS  | MLRun Proj. | MLRun Owner |
| xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx7445dfc774-m6vd9                             |        |            | k8s-node3 | Running |             |             |
| xxxxxx-jupyter-55b565cc78-7bjfn                              | 27     | 480        | k8s-node1 | Running |             |             |
| nuclio-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-756fcb7f74-h6ttk           | 15     | 246        | k8s-node3 | Running |             |             |
| mlrun-db-7bc6bcf796-64nz7                                    | 13     | 717        | k8s-node2 | Running |             |             |
| xxxx-jupyter-c4cccdbd8-slhlx                                 | 10     | 79         | k8s-node1 | Running |             |             |
| v3io-webapi-scj4h                                            | 8      | 1817       | k8s-node2 | Running |             |             |
| v3io-webapi-56g4d                                            | 8      | 1827       | k8s-node1 | Running |             |             |
| spark-worker-8d877878c-ts2t7                                 | 8      | 431        | k8s-node1 | Running |             |             |
| provazio-controller-644f5784bf-htcdk                         | 8      | 34         | k8s-node1 | Running |             |             |

and It also was not possible to see performance metrics (CPU, Memory, I/O) for this pod in Grafana.

Do you know, how can I resolve this issue without whole node restart (and what is the root cause)?


  • It seems as the issue with kubelet, the best is to follow the next step by step scenario (see diagram in pdf)

    k8s diagram first part k8s diagram second part