I got empty values for CPU and Memory, when I used igztop for check running pods in iguazio/mlrun solution. See the first line in output for this pod *m6vd9
[ jist @ iguazio-system 07:41:43 ]->(0) ~ $ igztop -s cpu
| NAME | CPU(m) | MEMORY(Mi) | NODE | STATUS | MLRun Proj. | MLRun Owner |
| xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx7445dfc774-m6vd9 | | | k8s-node3 | Running | | |
| xxxxxx-jupyter-55b565cc78-7bjfn | 27 | 480 | k8s-node1 | Running | | |
| nuclio-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-756fcb7f74-h6ttk | 15 | 246 | k8s-node3 | Running | | |
| mlrun-db-7bc6bcf796-64nz7 | 13 | 717 | k8s-node2 | Running | | |
| xxxx-jupyter-c4cccdbd8-slhlx | 10 | 79 | k8s-node1 | Running | | |
| v3io-webapi-scj4h | 8 | 1817 | k8s-node2 | Running | | |
| v3io-webapi-56g4d | 8 | 1827 | k8s-node1 | Running | | |
| spark-worker-8d877878c-ts2t7 | 8 | 431 | k8s-node1 | Running | | |
| provazio-controller-644f5784bf-htcdk | 8 | 34 | k8s-node1 | Running | | |
and It also was not possible to see performance metrics (CPU, Memory, I/O) for this pod in Grafana.
Do you know, how can I resolve this issue without whole node restart (and what is the root cause)?
It seems as the issue with kubelet, the best is to follow the next step by step scenario (see diagram in pdf)