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Inheriting Constructors in Unity?

For context, I got this code from this tutorial, particularly at 2:27:28.

I have two classes, Player and Warrior. I want the Warrior class to inherit from the Player class. The Player class looks like this:

public class Player: MonoBehaviour
    //Variables and Properties
    private string _playerName;
    public string pName { get => _playerName; set => _playerName = value; }

    private int _playerHealth;
    public int Health { get => _playerHealth ; set => _playerHealth = value ; }

    private int _playerPower;
    public int Power { get => _playerPower; set => _playerPower = value ; }

    public Player() { } //Constructor 1

    public Player(string name, int health, int power) //Constructor 2
        pName = name;
        Health = health;
        Power = power;

And the Warrior class looks like this:

public class Warrior : Player
    public Warrior(string name, int health, int power)
        pName = name;
        Health = health;
        Power = power;

Whenever I remove Constructor 1 in Player (the blank one), I get an error in the Warrior constructor. But if I remove the Warrior Constructor itself, then I get an error when declaring the Warrior class itself. I don't understand why it would be necessary to add Constructor 1, especially when I already have Constructor 2 in the Player class, to begin with.

Is there something I am missing? Or does a parent class always need an extra constructor whenever the child is being declared? And if so, Why? Or maybe inheriting constructors in UNITY works differently?

I tried removing Constructor 1 and using the command CTRL + . in VS, and even the debugger confuses me. I also tried googling online to no avail.


  • Like rshepp said, you probably shouldn't use constructors with MonoBehaviors. Instead, use Start() and Awake() to initialize.