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Playwright - baseURL is getting ignored when using custom test fixture

I am creating a fixture to automatically log in. If in tests I import import { test } from "@playwright/test"; then I can normally use await page.goto("/"); instead of "http://localhost:3000/" because in the file playwright.config.ts there is this configuration:

  use: {
    // Base URL to use in actions like `await page.goto('/')`.
    baseURL: "http://localhost:3000/",

    // Collect trace when retrying the failed test.
    trace: "on-first-retry",

However if in specific tests I want to be already configured, I import test from import test from "../fixtures";

This is the fixtures.ts file:

import axios from "axios";
import { test as baseTest } from "@playwright/test";

const test = baseTest.extend({
  contextOptions: async ({ contextOptions, context }, use) => {
    // login function
    const login = async () => {
      try {
        const response = await
            email: "usernamethatworks",
            password: "passwordthatworks",
            headers: {
              "Content-Type": "application/json",

        const jwtToken =;
        return jwtToken;
      } catch (error) {

    const jwtToken = await login();

    await context.addCookies([
        name: "access-token",
        value: jwtToken,
        domain: "localhost:3000",
        path: "/",
        expires: new Date( + 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000).getTime() / 1000,
        httpOnly: false, // set httpOnly to false
        secure: true,
        sameSite: "Strict",

    // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
    contextOptions.extraHTTPHeaders = {
      Cookie: `access-token=${jwtToken}`,

    await use(contextOptions);

export default test;

Such tests work only if I put await page.goto("http://localhost:3000/"); if I put await page.goto("/"); I get:

page.goto: Protocol error (Page.navigate): Cannot navigate to invalid URL
=========================== logs ===========================
navigating to "/", waiting until "load"

How can I fix it so that the fixture will use the playwright.config.ts configuration?


  • Your new contextOption overrides the default one, so you need to add the baseURL to the new one:

    import {test as baseTest} from "@playwright/test";
    const test = baseTest.extend({
        contextOptions: async ({ contextOptions, context, baseURL }, use) => {
            //your code
            await use({ baseURL: baseURL })
    export default test;

    Now running the test, baseURL is passed correctly:

    import test from './fixture'
    import {chromium} from '@playwright/test'
    test('Test with custom fixture', async({ contextOptions }, run) => {
        const browser = await chromium.launch()
        const context = await browser.newContext(contextOptions)
        const page = await context.newPage()
        await page.goto('/')