I am trying to update my packages in ubuntu 20.4 but its not working and gives the error below
Err:13 https://repo.mongodb.org/apt/ubuntu focal/mongodb-org/3.6.3 Release 404 Not Found [IP: 443]
I have removed or uninstall mongodb from my packages or machine but still sees this error anytime I run
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt autoremove
Can someone please help. Thank you all.
Uninstalling the package does not delete the repository. The non existing repo path is what causes the error with apt. You can take a look into your list of repositories and remove it from there.
$ apt-add-repository --list
There you should be able to see it.
And now delete it.
sudo add-apt-repository --remove <the-repository>
You can also remove the created sources file, which you'll find in:
You might also want to remove remnants previously downloaded packages it in: (doesn't solve your issue, but cleans up)