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VSTO: MS-Word Range-Styling Affects Entire Line

I'm using C# over VS2022, to write a VSTO add-in for Word, intended to auto-style in-line text-portions of a certain pre-defined format, e.g. to apply a (pre-defined) style to any text in brackets.

To exemplify the desired result, notice how a special (italic style) is applied to bracketed portions of the following text:

This (part in brackets) should demonstrate the (desired) result.

In code, after a target-portion is found, it is wrapped by a Range object, like so:

Range oRange = doc.Range(iStartIndex, iEndIndex);

This works well - range encapsulates exactly the required sequence of characters. But, when calling oRange.set_Style (styleName), style is applied to the entire line in which this range lies.

Behavior is the same:

  1. for various languages and font-types.
  2. even if the set_Style method is used like so: object szStyle="Heading 1"; oRange.set_Style (ref szStyle);
  3. even if the set_Style method is used like so: oRange.set_Style (doc.Styles[styleName]);

I've found a close, yet-unanswered question here.


  • It seems that the issue was caused due to applied style's type. When it was anything other than Character, style was applied to the entire line. Only Character-type styles could be successfully applied to an in-line Range.