Im trying to join multiple datatables to a single datatable.
var response = await client.ExecuteStaticQueryAsync(new ExecuteStaticQueryRequest() {
queryName = "CustTableListPage"
var dataset = response.ExecuteStaticQueryResult.ToDataSet();
This gives me a dataset with 13 tables defined with relationships. Is it possible to join the tables into a single datatable using the existing relations?
I have tried the Merge() method, but this method seems to union the rows and creates a table with 9000 rows. The parent table has 1401 rows so the resulting table should also have 1401 rows.
What i tried:
var datatable = new DataTable("MergedCustTable");
for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
Here i tried to merge the first and second table. The first table is the parent. This results with a datatable with 2802 rows.
This has not been properly tested, but works on my dataset
public static class Extensions{
public static DataTable Join(this DataTable table) {
var columns = table.GetJoinedColumns();
var newDt = new DataTable();
foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows) {
var newRow = newDt.NewRow();
ProcessRows(row, newRow);
return newDt;
private static DataColumn[] GetJoinedColumns(this DataTable table) {
List<DataColumn> dataColumns = new List<DataColumn>();
//Add columns from parent table
foreach (DataColumn dc in table.Columns)
dataColumns.Add(new DataColumn(dc.Table.TableName + "_" + dc.ColumnName, dc.DataType));
//Add columns from from child tables
foreach (DataRelation relation in table.ChildRelations)
return dataColumns.ToArray();
private static void ProcessRows(DataRow currentRow, DataRow newRow) {
//Add values from current row
for (int i = 0; i < currentRow.ItemArray.Length; i++) {
string columnName = currentRow.Table.Columns[i].ColumnName;
string tableName = currentRow.Table.TableName;
newRow[tableName + "_" + columnName] = currentRow.ItemArray[i];
//Add values from child rows
foreach (DataRelation relation in currentRow.Table.ChildRelations) {
var childRows = currentRow.GetChildRows(relation);
foreach (DataRow childRow in childRows)
ProcessRows(childRow, newRow);
var dataset = response.ExecuteStaticQueryResult.ToDataSet();
var custTable = dataset.Tables[0];
DataTable dt = custTable.Join();