I'm getting permission error while deploying into a GKe cluster
Error: when creating manifesting :cluster roles. rbac. Authorization. K8s. iris forbidden:user maxi2245@.com cannot create resource cluster roles in API group
I'm new to kubernetes and I try to learn few concepts in gke
I'm getting permission error while deploying ondat to a gke cluster I think due to issue in roles
Help me!
As explained in the official doc The permission error messages returned are the result of not having the necessary privileges to install Ondat in a GKE cluster.
To resolve this issue, ensure that your user account has cluster administrator privileges first so that you can install Ondat successfully.
kubectl create clusterrolebinding cluster-admin-binding \ --clusterrole=cluster-admin \ --user=$(gcloud config get-value account)
Refer to this official doc for more information about authorizing actions in clusters using role-based access control.