I'm working on a project that allows me to easily read and edit a certain type of file from a sort of terminal. It uses two java files, Main.java and Word.java, which have both been compiled into .class files.
In the folder with my com folder, there is also a bin folder containing a manifest file and another com folder containing the class files.
Here's a sort of visualisation of the file paths:
com vvv
bin vvv
com vvv
The manifest file looks like this:
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Class-Path: .
Main-Class: com.Main
Created-By: 19.0.2 (Oracle Corporation)
To compile it, I use the Visual Studio Code terminal and use the command jar cvfm DictionaryParser.jar bin/MANIFEST.MF bin/com/Main.class bin/com/Word.class
This successfully compiles it into a .jar file. However, whenever I run this jar file, using the command java -jar DictionaryParser.jar
, it gives me this error.
Error: Could not find or load main class com.Main
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.Main
No matter what I do, this error keeps coming up. Java cmd commands in general are really confusing to me, but I just don't get what I'm doing wrong here. Any ideas? Am I just making a stupid mistake? Keep in mind I don't have much experience with Java compared to other programming languages, especially the JVM.
You're putting your classes in the wrong folder. Here is an example.
This is the incorrect way.
jar cf Test.jar junk/com/Broken.class
Which results in:
$jar tf Test.jar
See the folder structure is incorrect. The package should be the root folder.
The correct way.
jar cf Test.jar -C junk com/Broken.class
Then the jar contains:
$jar tf Test.jar