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SpringBoot not seeing OpenAPI generated controllers

I'm generating controller interfaces with openapi-generator-maven-plugin. The code is generated succesfully and I create controllers that implement generated interfaces. But the problem is that Spring doesn't see these controllers at all.

My pom.xml with plugin config:







And generated interface is:

    @Generated(value = "org.openapitools.codegen.languages.SpringCodegen")
    @Tag(name = "notification-settings", description = "the notification-settings API")
    public interface NotificationSettingsApi {
         * GET /notification-settings : Get user&#39;s notification settings
         * @param userId ID of user (required)
         * @return OK (status code 200)
            operationId = "getUserNotificationSettings",
            summary = "Get user's notification settings",
            responses = {
                @ApiResponse(responseCode = "200", description = "OK", content = {
                    @Content(mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(implementation = NotificationSettingsInfo.class))
            method = RequestMethod.GET,
            value = "/notification-settings",
            produces = { "application/json" }
        ResponseEntity<List<NotificationSettingsInfo>> getUserNotificationSettings(
            @Parameter(name = "userId", description = "ID of user", required = true) @PathVariable("userId") Long userId
         * POST /notification-settings/save : Save notification settings
         * @param notificationSettingsInfo NotificationSettingsInfo request body (optional)
         * @return OK (status code 200)
         *         or Validation exception while mapping request body (status code 400)
            operationId = "saveNotificationSettings",
            summary = "Save notification settings",
            responses = {
                @ApiResponse(responseCode = "200", description = "OK", content = {
                    @Content(mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(implementation = Object.class))
                @ApiResponse(responseCode = "400", description = "Validation exception while mapping request body", content = {
                    @Content(mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(implementation = Object.class))
            method = RequestMethod.POST,
            value = "/notification-settings/save",
            produces = { "application/json" },
            consumes = { "application/json" }
        ResponseEntity<Object> saveNotificationSettings(
            @Parameter(name = "NotificationSettingsInfo", description = "NotificationSettingsInfo request body") @Valid @RequestBody(required = false) NotificationSettingsInfo notificationSettingsInfo

Controller just implements the interface and makes calls to actual service etc. But when I start the application (or perform any MVC test) I just get HTTP 404 while trying to make some requests to this controller.

I have no idea of what is wrong here and I can't figure out what is missing.

Will be grateful for any help.


I figured it out. Added additional <useSpringController> tag to plugin configuration so generated interfaces are now annotated with @Controller. And now it works.


  • This tag <interfaceOnly>true</interfaceOnly> prevents openapi-generator generating controllers.