I need to implement ZXING QR code scanner in my application. I have complete source code for ZXING Android. Now, I want to use this in my application. my question is that should I copy all ZXING library code in my application including manifest,xml and java files or I can have a jar file which I need to just add in my application? Can anybody tell me how to create jar file from android code, or is any ZXING jar already available which I can just include in my application?
Thats a step by step guide to natively integrating. It integrates the zxing project into yours as a backup of sorts. You will send out an intent request, but your application is registered as a receiver of that request. If the user doesn't have a different scanner, yours will be the only option. If they have other scanners it will allow the user to choose. If you want your app to always be chosen without another option, the comments in the tutorial detail how to change the intent filter to do it.
Keep in mind this is the quick and dirty way to do it. As others have mentioned, ZXing provides a great tutorial on how to send a barcode intent out and point them to the market if they don't have a scanner.