I'm having a javascript error in every browsers in local AND online when using Facebook comments.
Trying to retreive 0 or multiple comments doesn't seems to change anything.
Anyone have an idea?
Error message
Message : 'this._count.value.0' is Null or not an Object.
All.js, Line: 48, Code: 0
URI : http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js#xfbml=1
Code in the page
<fb:comments-count href="<%= WebTools.Permalink %>"></fb:comments-count>
<fb:comments href="<%= WebTools.Permalink %>" num_posts="2" width="839"></fb:comments>
Thanks in advance
I actually found out that this is an issue on Facebook’s end.
The same code work in dev and prod, but not in local or staging...
For more informations
There is a site explaining it in details: