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Copying selections of cells from multiple workbooks with multiple sheets to paste into a single worksheet with VBA

I need to copy ranges of cells from multiple workbooks that have multiple worksheets to a single worksheet in another workbook.

The source worksheets are laid out in the same way though with different amounts of data. Top row has column headers and in terms of data I am copying I am only interested in columns A to J (first ten). I am additionally using column L to calculate how many times I need to carry out the copy and paste function but will not copy data from that column.

Each range within each worksheet is separated by two rows that I do not need to copy. Also, there is formatting and merging in the original workbooks that I am not interested but can remove once all the data is copied over.

I am building up the method bit by bit but have become stuck on how to incrementally copy the ranges of cells I am interested in and paste. I have code that copies, but in my for-next loop, the paste range gets overwritten rather than pasted underneath.

Once I can resolve this, I will then modify the code to copy from all the worksheets within each workbook. At the moment, it is just from one worksheet, and I am pasting within the same sheet underneath the copy data.

Example data to copy:

Example source data but without formatting here

How I want the data to look like: Example data as I would like it pasted here

This is the code I have so far

Sub CopyRangeMultiple_Method()

    Dim OffsetAmount As Integer
    OffsetAmount = 7
    Dim FirstRoomMon As Integer
    FirstRoomMon = 2 'For the first room to copy, Monday starts at the second row.
    Dim FirstRoomFri As Integer
    FirstRoomFri = 6 'For the first room to copy, Friday starts at the sixth row.
    Dim FirstRoom As Range
    Set FirstRoom = Range(Cells(FirstRoomMon, 1), Cells(FirstRoomFri, 10)) 'first room in the list, monday to friday all day.
    Dim NextRoom As Range
    Dim TotalRooms As Integer
    TotalRooms = WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range("L:L"), "Weekly Total") 'each room has a weekly total => this will return the total no. of rooms.
    Dim RoomNo As Integer
    Dim PasteRangeStart As Range
    Set PasteRangeStart = Worksheets("Test").Range("A210") 'start of the paste range.
    For RoomNo = 1 To TotalRooms - 1
        FirstRoom.Copy PasteRangeStart 'copy and paste the first range
        'set up the next room/range to copy
        Set NextRoom = Range(Cells(FirstRoomMon + (OffsetAmount * RoomNo), 1), Cells(FirstRoomFri + (OffsetAmount * RoomNo), 10))
        'Union(FirstRoom, NextRoom).Copy Worksheets("Test").Range("A210")
        NextRoom.Copy PasteRangeStart.Offset(5, 0)
    Next RoomNo
End Sub

I can see the code is copying each section/range I want and pasting and then copying the next range but pasting over the previous range. I thought the Offset function on the PasteRangeStart would take the paste range down by five rows each time but it does not.


  • The problem with your code is that the PasteRangeStart is hard coded:

    Set PasteRangeStart = Worksheets("Test").Range("A210") 'start of the paste range.
    NextRoom.Copy PasteRangeStart.Offset(5, 0)

    This should fix it:

    Dim PasteRangeStart As Range
    For RoomNo = 1 To TotalRooms - 1
        With Worksheets("Test")
            Set PasteRangeStart = .Range("A" & .Rwos.Count).End(xlUp)
        End With
        FirstRoom.Copy PasteRangeStart 'copy and paste the first range
        'set up the next room/range to copy
        Set NextRoom = Range(Cells(FirstRoomMon + (OffsetAmount * RoomNo), 1), Cells(FirstRoomFri + (OffsetAmount * RoomNo), 10))
        'Union(FirstRoom, NextRoom).Copy Worksheets("Test").Range("A210")
        NextRoom.Copy PasteRangeStart.Offset(5, 0)
    Next RoomNo

    If you just want to copy the values then using arrays is much more efficient. When I have to append values I create a sub to append the data and one to collect the data. In the code below I add the row data to a collection, create an array to hold the results sized to the collection count, and append data. I also use another sub to make pass the worksheets into my code that collects the data.

    Sub CopyRangeMultiple_Method()
       ProcessRooms Workbooks("SomeWorkbook").Worksheets("Rooms")
       ProcessRooms Workbooks("SomeOtherWorkbook").Worksheets("Rooms")
    End Sub
    Sub ProcessRooms(ws As Worksheet)
        Const NumberOfColumns As Long = 10
        Dim Target As Range
        Set Target = ws.UsedRange.Columns("A").Resize(, NumberOfColumns).Offset(1)
        Dim Data As Variant
        Data = Target.Value
        Dim Map As New Collection
        Dim r As Long, c As Long
        Dim RowData As Variant
        For r = 1 To UBound(Data)
            If Len(Data(r, 1)) > 0 Then
                ReDim RowData(1 To 1, 1 To NumberOfColumns)
                For c = 1 To NumberOfColumns
                    RowData(1, c) = Data(r, c)
                Map.Add RowData
            End If
        Dim Results As Variant
        ReDim Results(1 To Map.Count, 1 To NumberOfColumns)
        For r = 1 To Map.Count
            RowData = Map(r)
            For c = 1 To NumberOfColumns
                Results(r, c) = RowData(1, c)
            Map.Add RowData
        AppendRooms Results
    End Sub
    Function wsRooms() As Worksheet
        Set wsRooms = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Test")
    End Function
    Sub AppendRooms(Data As Variant)
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        Dim Target As Range
        With wsRooms
            Set Target = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1)
        End With
        Target.Resize(UBound(Data), UBound(Data, 2)).Value = Data
    End Sub