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Facing issue when import file and use inside jest.mock

I am trying to export the object from another file and use it inside the jest.mock.

jest.mock('@theme/theme-provider', async() => {
        const dummyThemeStyle = await import(
        return {
            useTheme: () => ({
                themeStyle: {

but it always return useTheme is not a function How to solve this issue


  • Remove async/await for the factory function and use require to load the module inside the factory function. How the factory function be called? see v29.5.0/packages/jest-runtime/src/index.ts#L1000

    if (this._mockFactories.has(moduleID)) {
        // has check above makes this ok
        const module = this._mockFactories.get(moduleID)!();
        mockRegistry.set(moduleID, module);
        return module as T;

    As you can see, the factory function should not be an asynchronous function

    jest.mock('@theme/theme-provider', () => {
        const dummyThemeStyle = require('app/style/__tests__/themeObjct.json');
        return {
            useTheme: () => ({
                themeStyle: {