I have a java file hello.java
public class hello{
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Hello World");
I entered javac hello.java
command to compile it and successfully generated a .class file in the same path hello.class (decomplied version)
// Source code is unavailable, and was generated by the Fernflower decompiler.
public class hello {
public static void main(String[] var0) {
System.out.println("Hello World");
However when I try to run the main function for hello class with the command java hello
, it always turn out to throw a ClassNotFoundException
PS D:\Study\JAVA> java hello
Error: Could not find or load main class hello
When I tried internal debug feature of VS Code, the main function worked normally so I can confirm that the function inside has no error.
I can also confirm the class name I applied in my command completely correct. I dont understand why this ClassNotFoundException always show up.
I know it's just a very basic question (maybe stupid). Many thanks for any possible answer.
I'm using java 1.8.0_311
I compiled the java file with javac hello.java
and it works normally.
Then I can see a java class file - hello.class has been generated.
I tried many times to run java hello
but always get ClassNotFoundException.
I have tried restarting the IDE or delete and rewriting the whole file but none of them works.
Doing exactly that works for me (on Linux). However, I don't have java installed on Windows to test.
You can try java -cp . hello
which will explicitly set the classpath to the current directory, which should allow java
to find the class.