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Disable automatic autowiring of third party Bean

I am implementing a third party library that uses Spring, which is declaring a Filter in the following way:

public Filter filter() {
    return new Filter();

I load the configuration class to my application with a @Import(Configuration.class). My Spring Boot application loads the Filter and seems to try to use it, but I don't want that. How can I make Spring ignore such Beans, i.e., simply don't load them (supposing the third party library can work without them)?


  • We followed provider recommendation/decided for:

    Appropriate and edit config

    Means: Copy, paste and edit the original "Configuration" instead of/before importing/scanning it:

    class MyConfig { 
      // copy, paste & edit original ( Configuration (omit unwanted parts/beans)
    } // <- use this

    One alternative approach is:

    Destroy Bean

    As described by:

    How can i remove a singleton spring bean from ApplicationContext?

    ..., we only need to "plug it" (e.g.) simple like:

    BeanFactoryAware myDestroy() {
      return (beanFactory) -> {
        ((BeanDefinitionRegistry) beanFactory).removeBeanDefinition("filter"); // bean name (+ type, see [javadoc](

    ..also possible:

    Replace Bean

    Here we replace the Bean (by type and name), with an "NO-OP" bean:

    @Primary @Bean
    public Filter filter() { // same name & type!
        return new; // as name (and interface) implies



    Provider would make it @ConditionalOnXXX/bind it to @Profile! :)

    ... (+any other alternatives)