I'm getting this error while im sure the array is not null, here is the code :
REPORT.info("Removing meta_field id {} from metamodel id {}", Integer[]{oldMetaFieldId, metamodelId);
App.get(MetamodelFieldService.class).remove(metamodelId, new Integer[]{oldMetaFieldId});
I put the report just before the call of the method "remove" to make sure the variable oldMetaFieldId is not null, and it is not I checked the logs :
2023-06-20 15:12:21,776 INFO [main] FusionChampsFiches - Removing meta_field id [1007] from metamodel id 215
Here is the implementation of the "remove" method :
public void remove(Integer metamodelId, Integer[] metaFieldIdList) {
for (Integer metaFieldId : metaFieldIdList) {
MetamodelField ex = new MetamodelField();
List<MetamodelField> entityList = getDao().findByExample(ex);
I don't understand why i'm getting this error
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 0 out of bounds for length 0
In addition to a List
being null
, it might also be empty (contain nothing). In this case that is exactly the problem. There is nothing in the List
, so you can't get the first element (there isn't one). One solution, check for empty. Like,
List<MetamodelField> entityList = getDao().findByExample(ex);
if (!entityList.isEmpty()) {
Or use an Iterator
. Like,
List<MetamodelField> entityList = getDao().findByExample(ex);
Iterator<MetamodelField> iter = entityList.iterator();
if (iter.hasNext()) {
MetamodelField mf = iter.next();