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Oracle update if exist or insert using merge dual on single table

Here is the table Student:

Name Surname Age Passed
John Wick 20 N
Alice Wonderland 21 Y

I want to update if students exist on table based on age, name, surname or insert as a new row.

here is the sql query:

merge into student t
using (
        ? AS NAME,
        ? AS SURNAME,
        ? AS AGE,
        ? AS PASSED
) s on (
    and t.AGE=s.AGE
    and t.PASSED=s.PASSED
when matched then 
    update set t.PASSED = s.PASSED 
when not matched then 
    insert (NAME, SURNAME, AGE, PASSED) values (s.NAME, s.SURNAME, s.AGE, s.PASSED);

Here is the jdbcTemplate batchUpdate method impl:

jdbcTemplate.batchUpdate(query, new BatchPreparedStatementSetter(){

   public void setValues(PreparedStatment ps, int i){
     Student s = studentList.get(i);

       ps.setString(1, s.getName());
       ps.setString(2, s.getSurname());
       ps.setInt(3, s.getAge());
       ps.setString(4, s.getPassed());


       public int getBatchSize(){
       return studentList.size()


ORA-38104: Columns referenced in the ON Clause cannot be updated

thanks in advance.


  • Don't include the column you are updating in the ON clause.

    merge into student t
    using (
            ? AS NAME,
            ? AS SURNAME,
            ? AS AGE,
            ? AS PASSED
    ) s on (
        and t.SURNAME=s.SURNAME
        and t.AGE=s.AGE
        -- and t.PASSED=s.PASSED                      -- Remove this filter.
    when matched then 
        update set t.PASSED = s.PASSED 
    when not matched then 
        insert (NAME, SURNAME, AGE, PASSED)
        values (s.NAME, s.SURNAME, s.AGE, s.PASSED);

    Additionally, you should consider:

    • Using a primary key for the table (such as an IDENTITY column) and then you can update based on the primary key rather than a composite key (as it is possible to have two distinct students with the same names and age and you need to be able to distinguish between them);
    • Storing date of birth, rather than age (as age changes with each person's birthday whereas date of birth is constant and can be used to calculate the age).