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Selfhosted agents do not receive the values of environment variables

I set the environment variable "NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED=0" in my linux environment because I need to set this variable in a Selfhosted agent. When the agent is created and the installation is done (sudo ./ install username), the variable appears in the list of System capabilities but when starting the agent as a service (which is my need because it needs to run constantly) with the command sudo ./ start username, the agent is started but the variable disappears from System Capabilites.

I ask for help to solve this problem and understand where I am going wrong in the settings. Agent Version Used: 2.220.5

I tried to do the following:

  • Run the agent with the command: ./ username
  • I tried to stop and start the service again
  • Tried to reinstall the agent without success.


  • I Solved my problem adding the variable 'NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED' in the file in the field "varCheckList=".

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