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VBA Excel stop userform events from class module

I've dynamically populated userform with textboxes. I've class which sets events for these textboxes. At the moment there are 2 textboxes for one let's say budget - budget as % and budget as absolute number, both editable. My target is to allow user change them both resulting them in changing each other

I'm stuck at stage where I change 1 textbox based on another value it triggers change event again and creates infinite loop. I'm looking for a way to disable change event in class module for the stage where I change values in these 2 textboxes

Could you please advise what's the most appropriate way to do this. Thank you!

Private WithEvents txtbox As MSForms.TextBox

Public Property Set TextBox(ByVal t As MSForms.TextBox)
    Set txtbox = t
End Property

Private Sub txtbox_Change()

req = Left(, 2)
fc = ContractView.ContractsFYPHeaderFrm.Controls(req & "ccsfc").Caption
If Right(, 3) = "pfc" Then
    orig_val = txtbox.Value
    orig_val = txtbox.Value / fc
End If

Dim str As String
Dim n As Long
Dim vfyp As Object: Set vfyp = ContractView.ContractsFYPValFrm
Dim hfyp As Object: Set hfyp = ContractView.ContractsFYPHeaderFrm
Dim rbf As Object: Set rbf = ContractView.RequestsBudgetFrm
Dim c As Control

On Error Resume Next
ri = CInt(Right(req, 1))
str = Replace(, req, "")
budget = Left(str, Len(str) - 5)
dtype = Right(, 5)

If Right(, 3) = "pfc" Then
    vfyp.Controls(req & budget & "ccafc").Value = VBA.Format(orig_val * hfyp.Controls(req & "ccsfc").Caption, PLSubtotalFormat)     'budget investments abs
    vfyp.Controls(req & budget & "ccpfc").Value = VBA.Format(orig_val * hfyp.Controls(req & "ccsfc").Caption, ContractPrct)         'budget investments prct
End If

End Sub


  • Found following solution:

    1. Create global boolean variable used to define if you need to trigger change event or not. For example: Global ClassDisableEvents As Boolean

    2. Place in your userform module on userform_initialize event to allow initial change events ClassDisableEvents = False

    3. Structure your class module event code the following way:

      Start with If ClassDisableEvents = True Then Exit Sub so you don't waste time running change event for nothing

      Your event code

      Place ClassDisableEvents = True before you set value to textbox which has textbox_change event in collection Perform actions with textbox

      Close it out with ClassDisableEvents = False

    Here's my example of class event module:

    Private WithEvents txtbox As MSForms.TextBox
    Public Property Set TextBox(ByVal t As MSForms.TextBox)
        Set txtbox = t
    End Property
    Private Sub txtbox_Change()
    If ClassDisableEvents = True Then Exit Sub
    req = Left(, 2)
    fc = val(ContractView.ContractsFYPHeaderFrm.Controls(req & "ccsfc").Caption)
    If Right(, 3) = "pfc" Then
        orig_val = txtbox.Value
        orig_val = txtbox.Value / fc
    End If
    your event code
    ClassDisableEvents = True
    If Right(, 3) = "pfc" Then
        vfyp.Controls(req & budget & "ccafc").Value = VBA.Format(orig_val * hfyp.Controls(req & "ccsfc").Caption, PLSubtotalFormat)         'budget investments abs
        vfyp.Controls(req & budget & "ccpfc").Value = VBA.Format(orig_val, ContractPrct)                                                    'budget investments prct
    End If
    ClassDisableEvents = False
    End Sub