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Change PasswordBox PlaceHolder Text Foreground color

I have a PasswordBox


And I want to change the PlaceholderForeground color like I would on a regular TextBox but there is no property like that and after searching through the internet I found no solution that A worked for me B I understood, all the xaml code was too lengthy with style and resources of 50 lines all for such a simple property change I don't know why WPF has to be so overly complicated for no reason

Can anybody sugguest a solution that is possibly not 50 lines of xaml code that simply changes the foreground color of the placeholder text in the PasswordBox.


  • You can't change the placeholder color without creating something custom. But there are workarounds without huge snippets of XAML markup.

    The easiest way that came to my mind is creating a custom control that derives from PasswordBox. You'll only have to override OnRender:

    1. Call base.OnRender

    2. Check that there's no text in the password box, and it isn't focused

    3. Create a FormattedText object, maybe like this:

    var placeholder = new FormattedText(
      new Typeface(FontFamily, FontStyle, FontWeight, FontStretch),
      new SolidColorBrush(Color.Blue),  // Or whatever you want
    1. Draw it at the top-left corner of the content:
    drawingContext.DrawText(placeholder, new Point(Padding.Left, Padding.Top));

    If you don't want any extra code, the only way I know is using third-party libraries, e.g. MahApps.Metro.

    You can also create a custom behavior for the built-in PasswordBox, though it's not much simpler than a custom control.