That sounds kind of complex. The idea here is to write the method "defaultMethod". It receives a function and an object. If the function is a simple add:
function add(a,b) { return a+b;};
When calling
var add_ = defaultMethod(add,{b:9});
The behavior is:
and the return must be 19.
The catch is that the method can be called more than once:
var add_ = defaultMethod(add,{b:9}); // set 'b' default value as 9
add_ = defaultMethod(add_,{b:3, a:2}); // now, set 'b' default value as 3 and 'a' as 2
let res = add_(10) //sent 'a' value as 10
expect(res).toBe(13); //10 (received) + 3 (default)
I wrote it like this:
function defaultMethod(func, params) {
var funcStr = func.toString();
let requiredArgs = funcStr
.slice(funcStr.indexOf('(') + 1, funcStr.indexOf(')')) //get the between parenthesis part
.match(/([^\s,]+)/g) || []; //resulting in ['a', 'b']
return function (...args) {
let calledArgs = args;
if (calledArgs.length < requiredArgs.length) {
for (let i = calledArgs.length; i < requiredArgs.length; i++) {
if (calledArgs[i] === undefined) {
calledArgs[i] = params[requiredArgs[i]];
return func(...calledArgs);
It works well for one calling, for example, all of these unit tests passes:
var add_ = defaultMethod(add,{b:9});
it('should return 19', () => {
it('should return 17', () => {
it('should return nan', () => {
Although, when we call the defaultMethod one more time, now passing the add_
function, it starts to break. The console.log(requiredArgs)
starts to log [...args]
instead of ['a', 'b']
The unit tests are the following:
var add_ = defaultMethod(add,{b:9}); // set b default value as 9
add_ = defaultMethod(add_,{b:3, a:2}); // now, set b default value as 3 and a as 2
it('should return 13', () => {
expect(add_(10)).toBe(13); //10 (received) + 3 (default)
})//this one breaks returning 19
it('should return 5', () => {
})//this one breaks returning NaN
it('should return nan', () => {
add_ = defaultMethod(add_,{c:3}); // this doesn't do anything because c isn't required
})//this one breaks returning 19
And I can't figure a way to make it work for more than one calling. Apparently, GPT-4 neither. Any ideas?
edit: I should note that the requirements are:
A solution could be to maintain a registry of functions that are returned by defaultMethod
. In your example it would register the function add_
and the parameter names. Then if defaultMethod
is called with that function as argument, you can find it in the registry and learn about the parameter names.
So the code would change like this:
function add(a,b) { return a + b; }
const defaultMethod = (function () { // Create a closure for `registry`
const registry = new WeakMap;
return function (func, params) {
let requiredArgs = registry.get(func);
if (!requiredArgs) {
const funcStr = func.toString();
requiredArgs = funcStr
.slice(funcStr.indexOf('(') + 1, funcStr.indexOf(')'))
.match(/([^\s,]+)/g) || [];
console.log("parameters are:", ...requiredArgs);
const decoratedFunc = function (...args) {
let calledArgs = args;
for (let i = calledArgs.length; i < requiredArgs.length; i++) {
if (calledArgs[i] === undefined) {
calledArgs[i] = params[requiredArgs[i]];
return func(...calledArgs);
// Register the function we are about to return
registry.set(decoratedFunc, requiredArgs);
return decoratedFunc;
console.log("set defaults for add_ to {b:9}");
let add_ = defaultMethod(add,{b:9});
console.log("call add_(10): expect 19");
console.log("set defaults for add_ to {b:3, a:2}");
add_ = defaultMethod(add_,{b:3, a:2});
console.log("call add_(10): expect 13");
console.log("call add_(): expect 5");