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How to force the optimizer to keep some code in Julia?

How to force evaluation of an expression so it wouldn't get optimized out?

@elapsed f() returns zero, as the result of pure function f is unused.

In Rust we can use an intrinsic called black_box, in Nim - used pragma, in C we can make a volatile variable, in Zig - doNotOptimizeAway function, in Haskell we can use evaluate to force the evaluation, and so on. How can i do this in Julia?

Also, is @elapsed actually the proper way to measure elapsed time? I personally need a monotonic timer with nanosecond precision...


  • If you have not seen it already, BenchmarkTools.jl may be what you're looking for.

    Base.donotdelete will prevent dead code elimination (but won't stop f() from being optimized into a constant, if that's possible).

    f() = maximum(i^2 for i = 1:1000000000)
    timeit1() = @elapsed f()
    timeit2() = @elapsed Base.donotdelete(f())
    timeit1() # 0.0
    timeit2() # 0.36 ish

    @elapsed uses Base.time_ns(), so it has nanosecond precision.