I'm creating a JavaScript app that has a drop area where you can drop files from your drive.
When the files are drop, I get an array of File
Now I want to use langchain document loader to load these files and then split them into chunks. This is the function I have so far:
import { TextLoader } from 'langchain/document_loaders/fs/text'
import { RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter } from 'langchain/text_splitter'
import { Document } from 'langchain/document'
export async function IngestFiles (files) {
if (files.length < 1) return
console.log('files', files)
const splitter = new RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter(
{ chunkSize: 100, chunkOverlap: 10 }
let documents = []
files.forEach(async file => {
const loader = new TextLoader(file)
const doc = await loader.load()
const docOutput = await splitter.splitDocuments([
new Document({ pageContent: doc[0].pageContent })
documents = documents.concat(docOutput)
console.log('documents', documents)
console.log('result', documents)
return documents
I have added some console.log lines to be able to see the intermediate steps:
As you can see, I added two small txt files, they are properly loaded and split into smaller Document
objects, but then the final result (last copnsole.log) is empty. I've tried everything and all I can think now is that this is related to the async/await but I can't see the issue.
Any help is appreciated
I think this post answers your question: https://stackoverflow.com/a/70946414/9787476
As a suggested solution in the post, don't use forEach
, but use a for-of
Also is there a specific reason to use:
const docOutput = await splitter.splitDocuments([
new Document({ pageContent: doc[0].pageContent })
instead of simply
const docOutput = await splitter.splitDocuments(doc)