I've two lists of same size : List<A>listA
, List<B>listB
that are completely independent of each other.
I'd like to sort listA
based on how the elements move in listB
Assume there's an imaginary connection b/w the two lists.
listA = [a,b,c,d,e]
| | | | |
listB = [j,g,h,k,i]
If the listB's comparator sorts it lexicographically, listA should be b,c,e,a,d
listA = [b,c,e,a,d]
| | | | |
listB = [g,h,i,j,k]
I don't want to create a class that encapsulates both A
& B
I've come across Ordering.explicit() but not able to figure it out.
private static class ComparatorB implements Comparator<B> {
public int compare(B left, B right) {
Ordering<B> ordering = Ordering.from(new ComparatorB());
I'm not able to figure out what to pass to sort method. listA.sort(????)
How about this?
listB.sort(new ComparatorB());
listA.sort(Ordering.explicit(listB)); // or possibly a mapped version
Or if you want to change a B-comparator into an A-comparator, you could do
listA.sort(Ordering.from(new ComparatorB()).onResultOf(a -> mapAtoB(a)))
Update after question update
You could do it like this:
Streams.zip(listA.stream(), listB.stream(), Pair::new)
.sorted(Ordering.from(new ComparatorB()).onResultOf(Pair::getFirst))
I'm not sure if you'd count that Pair
as "creating a class that encapsulates both A & B", but it's not clear why you don't want that anyway. This is probably your best bet.