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Moleculer Framework API code is not able to use the file from request body (form-data). returns undefined

I am new to the Moleculer framework and need to upload a file from an API request body to MongoDB using an action handler. I have been able to upload files using Multer with Express, but I need to use only the Moleculer framework. When I run the action handler, the "req" parameter doesn't take the file from the request body and it's always undefined. I need help finding a way to make the file come to the action handler.


actions: {
    create: {
        rest: "POST /",
        async handler(ctx) {
            try {
                console.log("Params are: " + ctx.params.file);
                console.log("Meta is: " + ctx.meta.file);
                console.log("File is: " + ctx.file);
            } catch(err) {
                console.log("Error: " + err);


  • The file upload is handled as a Stream in actions, but you should configure it in the route settings. In the documentation you can find information about it:


    module.exports = {
        mixins: [ApiGateway],
        settings: {
            path: "/upload",
            routes: [
                    path: "",
                    aliases: {
                        // File upload from HTML multipart form
                        "POST /": "",
                        // File upload from AJAX or cURL
                        "PUT /:id": "",
                        // File upload from HTML form and overwrite busboy config
                        "POST /multi": {
                            type: "multipart",
                            // Action level busboy config
                            busboyConfig: {
                                limits: { files: 3 }
                            action: ""
                    // Route level busboy config.
                    // More info:
                    busboyConfig: {
                        limits: { files: 1 }
                        // Can be defined limit event handlers
                        // `onPartsLimit`, `onFilesLimit` or `onFieldsLimit`
                    mappingPolicy: "restrict"