This is my code for trying to read in the file's numbers
def process_body(infile, outfile, modification):
changing the numbers to the outfile
for line in infile.readlines():
line = line.strip()
num = ""
space = " "
if modification == "negate":
for char in line:
input() #The file is really big this is here to go line by line for decoding
if char != space:
num += char
neg = negate(num)
if char == space:
I am unsure what to do when char equals space, because space is unable to be negated in the negate function which is
def negate(num):
absolute value of RGB value - 255
num = int(num)
negate_line = num - 255
negate_line = abs(negate_line)
negate_line = str(negate_line)
return negate_line
here are a few lines from the input file
0 44 89 0 44 89 0 44 89 0 44 89 1 45 90
1 45 90 1 45 90 1 45 90 1 45 92 1 45 92
1 45 92 0 46 92 0 46 92 0 47 93 0 47 93
According to the teachers instructions I am not allowed to use any string methods other than .strip. I am unable to use .split in this assignment, due to the fact it would make it really easy. Any help or trips would be greatly appreciated, I've been at this task for a few days now I can't seem to get it to quite work.
This code works fine on the test input you provided:
with open('ip', 'rb') as f:
for line in f:
char = ""
for c in line.strip():
if c != " ":
char += c
print abs(int(char) - 255)
char = ""
You can add the if statements yourself. Also, you don't need to convert an int into a str if you just want to print it.