So I have list_A and list_B and I need to remove whats in list_B from list_A Example:
list_A = ['I hate the world', 'I love my mother']
list_B = ['I hate', 'love my']
output: list_output = ['the world', 'I mother']
I tried to do
list_A = ['I hate the world', 'I love my mother']
list_B = ['I hate', 'love my']
list_output = [x for x in list_A if x not in list_B]
I have also tried a few other things I found on the internet, but they all threw errors or just didn't do anything, and list comprehensions just seemed the most like what I was trying to achieve.
Here is one way to do it. You have to use nested loops so you can check all combinations until you find a match. Note that what I'm doing leaves the extra spaces in. You can add code to remove those from both halves.
list_A = ['I hate the world', 'I love my mother']
list_B = ['I hate', 'love my']
list_output = []
for phrase in list_A:
for clause in list_B:
if clause in phrase:
i = phrase.find(clause)
j = phrase[:i] + phrase[i+len(clause):]
else: # in case nothing was found
[' the world', 'I mother']