public class RedeemCodeQuery {
private String code;
private RedeemCode.CodeStatus status;
private String exportStatus;
public static enum CodeStatus {
public static enum ExportStatus {
//getter setter...
String sqlByQuery = """
select rc from RedeemCode rc
where (:#{#query.code} is null or rc.code = :#{#query.code} )
and ( :status is null or rc.status = :status )
and ( :#{#query.exportStatus} is null or rc.exportStatus = :#{#query.exportStatus} )
Page<RedeemCode> pageBy(@Param("query") RedeemCodeQuery query, @Param("status") CodeStatus status, Pageable pageable);
rc.code = :#{#query.code}: working , code is type of String and inside the RedeemCodeQuery class;
rc.status = :status : working, status is type of enum.
rc.exportStatus = :#{#query.exportStatus}: error , exportStatus is type of enum and inside the RedeemCodeQuery class.
Spring SpEL may change the :#{#query.exportStatus} to some other type. Is possible to put an enum inside a class for query parameter? How to do that?
You have two options here:
to get the String
representation of rc.exportStatus
field for comparison with String
parameter:String sqlByQuery = """
select rc from RedeemCode rc
where (:#{#query.code} is null or rc.code = :#{#query.code} )
and ( :status is null or rc.status = :status )
and ( :#{#query.exportStatus} is null or = :#{#query.exportStatus} )
Page<RedeemCode> pageBy(@Param("query") RedeemCodeQuery query, @Param("status") CodeStatus status, Pageable pageable);
operator with Enum.valueOf()
for conversion of String
field into member of ExportStatus
enum:String sqlByQuery = """
select rc from RedeemCode rc
where (:#{#query.code} is null or rc.code = :#{#query.code} )
and ( :status is null or rc.status = :status )
and ( :#{#query.exportStatus} is null or rc.exportStatus = :#{T(})
Page<RedeemCode> pageBy(@Param("query") RedeemCodeQuery query, @Param("status") CodeStatus status, Pageable pageable);
assumes there's a getter for exportStatus
field, so you could modify it to return ExportStatus
instead of String
keeping your initial query:public class RedeemCodeQuery {
private String code;
private RedeemCode.CodeStatus status;
private String exportStatus;
public static enum ExportStatus {
public ExportStatus getExportStatus() {
return ExportStatus.valueOf(exportStatus);
This would give you desirable type at runtime.