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How can I limit sourceDocs in langchain + pinecone response in JS?

I'm using langchain with pinecode, it gives me 4 sourceDocs but I want only most relevant 1 sourceDoc. I'm using javascript and don't know where to put top_k in code. Here's my code

export const makeChain = (vectorStore) => {
  const model = new OpenAI({
    temperature: 0
    modelName: 'gpt-3.5-turbo', 

  const chain = ConversationalRetrievalQAChain.fromLLM(
      qaTemplate: QA_PROMPT,
      questionGeneratorTemplate: CONDENSE_PROMPT,
      returnSourceDocuments: true,
  return chain;
/* create vectorStore*/
    const vectorStore = await PineconeStore.fromExistingIndex(
      new OpenAIEmbeddings({}),
        pineconeIndex: index,
        textKey: 'text',
        namespace: PINECONE_NAME_SPACE, //namespace comes from your config folder

    //create chain
    const chain = makeChain(vectorStore);
    //Ask a question using chat history
    const response = await{
      question: sanitizedQuestion,
      chat_history: history || [],


  • The first parameter of the vectorStore.asRetriever() method is top_k, like vectorStore.asRetriever(1).