Consider a class ABC
class ABC{
int id;
String text;
getter & setter methods..
A list of instances of ABC is collected in a linked list.
Now, I have an input int n. Based on the input n, I need to check list of ABC instances where I can get a match (n == d)
Based on the match, I will have to retrieve the corresponding String text from the same instance of ABC.
For example:
Linkedlist<ABC> list = new Linkedlist<>();
list.add(new ABC(1,"Eagle");
list.add(new ABC(2,"Tiger");
list.add(new ABC(3,"Rabbit");
if the input n = 3, then I need to get the below result: "Rabbit"
I tried to use streams as below: -> p.getId() == n).map(ABC:: getText);
But I want only String as an answer from the above line.
to get one ABC
instance, it returns an Optional<ABC>
to get the real ABC
or raise an exception is no matchgetText
once to get its textString result = -> p.getId() == n).findFirst().orElseThrow().getText();