Note - I have looked over the internet, all the solutions are present in either python or scala but not in java.
I am reading data from a json file. In the file the time is given in unixtime format. I am converting it to a date-time format.
The json file data looks like this -
my code is -
StructType activitySchema = new StructType().add("Arrival_Time", "BIGINT")
.add("Creation_Time", "BIGINT")
.add("Index", "string")
.add("User", "string")
.add("x", "DOUBLE")
Dataset<Row> jsondf = spark
from_unixtime(col("Arrival_Time"),"MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm:ss").as("timestamp_1"),
from_unixtime(col("Creation_Time"),"MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm:ss").as("timestamp_2")
Still the data is getting printed in this format -
How do I convert it to date-time format ?
I got the solution, Arrival_Time and Creation_Time need to be in milliseconds for the from_unixtime function to work. I converted them to milliseconds and it worked like a charm :)