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pimpl, std::unique_ptr and constexpr constructor

I'm reviewing a non-compiling code where I find a design similar to this:


#include <memory>

class A;

class B {
    int val;
    // pImpl idiom
    std::unique_ptr<A> pImpl;
    constexpr B(int x): val(x){};
    virtual ~B();

destructor is defined in B.cpp, yet the constructor being constexpr it implies that it is defined within B.h. But then compiling is failing because the compiler needs to have a constructor for A, which, at this point is an incomplete type. Yet I think that, here, constexpr is a design error as I can't see how a B can be constructed at compile-time with an implementation.

Thus, is constexpr erroneous in this context or is there a way to construct a B at compile time (I don't think that std::unique_ptr can be constructed at compile-time except from nullptr)?

NB I tried to push the constructor definition inside B.cpp but the linker then (logically I think) triggered undefined reference on the constructor...
NB compilation has been tested only on msvc so far
NB I read a bunch of posts about pimpl and unique_ptr (which are numerous) but I might have missed an adequate one and the question is very possibly duplicate...


  • It's not an issue with constexpr. When you construct members of a class, it needs the destructors of each member to be available, because if a succeeding member's constructor throws or the constructor body throws, the destructor will need to be called.

    So you can't use default_delete<A> because the class is not complete. This is why the constructor is usually implemented in the source file with pimpl. The easiest fix is to use raw pointer A* pImpl and remember to delete it in the destructor. Or use a different deleter:

    class B {
        static void delete_a(A* p) noexcept;
        struct a_deleter {
            void operator()(A* p) const noexcept { delete_a(p); }
        int val;
        // pImpl idiom
        std::unique_ptr<A, a_deleter> pImpl;
        constexpr B(int x): val(x){};
        virtual ~B() = default;
    // Source/implementation file
    class A {
        // ...
    void B::delete_a(A* p) noexcept {
        delete p;