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Vitest Mock Factory Never Called

Here is my code:

import { it, describe, expect, vi, beforeEach } from 'vitest';
const ClientAuthenticator = require('../src/client-authenticator');
const { ssmClient, getParameterCommand } = require('../src/helpers/aws');

const ssmClientMock = vi.fn();
const getParameterCommandMock = vi.fn();

vi.mock('../src/helpers/aws', () => {
    return {
        ssmClient: ssmClientMock,
        getParameterCommand: getParameterCommandMock,

describe('ClientAuthenticator.authenticator Tests', () => {
    it('Should set correct client name', async () => {
        // Arrange
        console.log(ssmClient); // This logs real implementation not a mock.
        const clientId = 'clientId';
        const clientSecret = 'clientSecret';
        ... rest of the test ...

See that line that says console.log(ssmClient)? this one prints real implementation not the mock though it should return ssmClientMock (this happens also in the production code - it sees the real implementation not the mock.) What am I missing here? 🤔


  • It turned out that Vitest works with ES6 modules. It has no effect if you're using require. More details are given here: