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Conditional Statement in QML

I have a .json file in my project that looks as follows:

         "System Function":"Park Lights"
         "System Function":"Hydraulic Temp"
         "PinName": "J2-45" , 
         "System Function" : "Auto Greaser Pressure Sw"

I can extract "Pin Direction" and "PinType" from .json file as follows:

    text: jsonLoader.jsonObject["ccu3"][index]["PinDirection"]
    color: "white"
    font.pointSize: 10

    text: jsonLoader.jsonObject["ccu3"][index]["PinType"]
    color: "white"
    font.pointSize: 10

If 'PinDirection' is 'output' and 'PinType' is 'digital', I must display the PinName along with the Switch, else if 'PinDirection' is 'output' and 'PinType' is 'analogue', display Pin Name along with the Slider.

How do I make this conditional statement in QML? I'm also using the repeater to call the relevant .qml file for display.

My background is C and just started using QML. I only understand if else statement


  • As mentioned in the comments, one solution is to control visibility, e.g.

                ColumnLayout {
                    visible: modelData.PinDirection === 'output'
                          && modelData.PinType === 'digital'
                    Text {
                        text: modelData.PinName
                    Switch {

    Here's a full working example:

    import QtQuick
    import QtQuick.Controls
    import QtQuick.Layouts
    import Qt.labs.qmlmodels
    Page {
        id: page
        background: Rectangle { color: "#848895" }
        property var jsonObject: ({
                    "System Function":"Park Lights"
                    "System Function":"Hydraulic Temp"
                    "PinName": "J2-45" , 
                    "System Function" : "Auto Greaser Pressure Sw"
                    "PinName": "J9-99" , 
                    "System Function" : "Test Output"
        ListView {
            width: 500
            height: 500
            model: jsonObject.ccu3
            delegate: ColumnLayout {
                ColumnLayout {
                    visible: modelData.PinDirection === 'output'
                    && modelData.PinType === 'digital'
                    Text {
                        text: modelData.PinName
                    Switch {
                Text {
                    text: modelData.PinDirection
                Text {
                    text: modelData.PinType

    You can Try it Online!