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Tabulator lucide icon change for tree structure not working

This code is not working in tabulator structure tree icon changing via data-lucide icon. The 'dataTreeCollapseElement' and 'dataTreeExpandElement' icon change didn't work for expanding the column. No javascript error shown.There is no change when I try to click on the icon.enter image description here

    let tableContent = new Tabulator("#interviewTableId", {
        dataTreeCollapseElement:"<i data-lucide='minus' class='w-4 h-4'></i>",
        dataTreeExpandElement:"<i  data-lucide='plus' class='w-4 h-4'></i>",
        ajaxURL: route("interviewlist.list"),
        ajaxParams: { querystr: querystr, status: status },
        ajaxFiltering: true,
        ajaxSorting: true,
        printAsHtml: true,
        printStyled: true,
        pagination: "remote",
        paginationSize: 10,
        paginationSizeSelector: [5, 10, 20, 30, 40],
        layout: "fitColumns",
        responsiveLayout: "collapse",
        placeholder: "No matching records found",
        columns: [
                title: "",
                width: "180",
                title: "#ID",
                field: "id",
                width: "180",
                title: "Task Name",
                field: "taskname",
                headerHozAlign: "left",
                title: "Applicant Name",
                field: "applicant_id",
                headerHozAlign: "left",
        renderComplete() {
                "stroke-width": 1.5,
                nameAttr: "data-lucide",


  • Since Lucide icons are created after the Tabulator table is rendered, the click event listeners on the <i> elements set in dataTreeCollapseElement and dataTreeExpandElement get removed when converted to <svg> by Lucide. So I suggest you use the createElement method of Lucide to create the icons first and then assign them to Tabulator. Here is an example:

    const tableDataNested = [
        name: 'Oli Bob',
        location: 'United Kingdom',
        gender: 'male',
        col: 'red',
        dob: '14/04/1984',
        _children: [
          { name: 'Mary May', location: 'Germany', gender: 'female', col: 'blue', dob: '14/05/1982' },
          { name: 'Christine Lobowski', location: 'France', gender: 'female', col: 'green', dob: '22/05/1982' },
            name: 'Brendon Philips',
            location: 'USA',
            gender: 'male',
            col: 'orange',
            dob: '01/08/1980',
            _children: [
              { name: 'Margret Marmajuke', location: 'Canada', gender: 'female', col: 'yellow', dob: '31/01/1999' },
              { name: 'Frank Harbours', location: 'Russia', gender: 'male', col: 'red', dob: '12/05/1966' }
      { name: 'Jamie Newhart', location: 'India', gender: 'male', col: 'green', dob: '14/05/1985' },
      { name: 'Gemma Jane', location: 'China', gender: 'female', col: 'red', dob: '22/05/1982', _children: [{ name: 'Emily Sykes', location: 'South Korea', gender: 'female', col: 'maroon', dob: '11/11/1970' }] },
      { name: 'James Newman', location: 'Japan', gender: 'male', col: 'red', dob: '22/03/1998' }
    const minusIcon = lucide.createElement(lucide.Minus)
    minusIcon.setAttribute('stroke-width', '1.5')
    const plusIcon = lucide.createElement(lucide.Plus)
    plusIcon.setAttribute('stroke-width', '1.5')
    const table = new Tabulator('#table', {
      height: '311px',
      data: tableDataNested,
      dataTree: true,
      dataTreeCollapseElement: minusIcon,
      dataTreeExpandElement: plusIcon,
      columns: [
        { title: 'Name', field: 'name', width: 200 },
        { title: 'Location', field: 'location', width: 150 },
        { title: 'Gender', field: 'gender', width: 150, responsive: 2 },
        { title: 'Favourite Color', field: 'col', width: 150 },
        { title: 'Date Of Birth', field: 'dob', hozAlign: 'center', sorter: 'date', width: 150 }
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <div id="table"></div>

    And in case you are working with ESM, here is an example on CodeSandbox: