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Unable to authenticate Kusto Client using JWTToken

We use Java 8 and msal4j version 0.6.0-preview. To connect to Kusto, we use JWT Token:

ConnectionStringBuilder csb = ConnectionStringBuilder.createWithAadAccessTokenAuthentication(resourceUri, accessToken);
Client kustoClient = ClientFactory.createClient(csb);

Inside thencreateWithAadAccessTokenAuthentication(), it is calling this ConnectionStringBuilder constructor:

public static ConnectionStringBuilder createWithAadAccessTokenAuthentication(String resourceUri, String token) {
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(resourceUri)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("resourceUri cannot be null or empty");
        } else if (StringUtils.isEmpty(token)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("token cannot be null or empty");
        } else {
            ConnectionStringBuilder csb = new ConnectionStringBuilder(resourceUri);
            csb.accessToken = token;
            return csb;

it is setting every field to null except for clusterUri.

private ConnectionStringBuilder(String resourceUri) {
        this.clusterUri = resourceUri;
        this.usernameHint = null;
        this.applicationClientId = null;
        this.applicationKey = null;
        this.aadAuthorityId = null;
        this.x509Certificate = null;
        this.privateKey = null;
        this.accessToken = null;
        this.tokenProvider = null;

Thus we got an error from createClient() method. Because it is calling ClientImpl(csb). host and auth are returning null, which triggers null pointer exception in this line: String auth = clusterUri.getAuthority().toLowerCase();

public static Client createClient(ConnectionStringBuilder csb) throws URISyntaxException {
        return new ClientImpl(csb);

 public ClientImpl(ConnectionStringBuilder csb) throws URISyntaxException {
        String url = csb.getClusterUrl();
        URI clusterUri = new URI(url);
        String host = clusterUri.getHost();
        String auth = clusterUri.getAuthority().toLowerCase();
        if (host == null && auth.endsWith(";fed=true")) {
            url = (new URIBuilder()).setScheme(clusterUri.getScheme()).setHost(auth.substring(0, clusterUri.getAuthority().indexOf(";fed=true"))).toString();

        this.clusterUrl = url;
        this.aadAuthenticationHelper = TokenProviderFactory.createTokenProvider(csb);
        this.clientVersionForTracing = "Kusto.Java.Client";
        String version = Utils.getPackageVersion();
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(version)) {
            this.clientVersionForTracing = this.clientVersionForTracing + ":" + version;

        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(csb.getClientVersionForTracing())) {
            this.clientVersionForTracing = this.clientVersionForTracing + "[" + csb.getClientVersionForTracing() + "]";

        this.applicationNameForTracing = csb.getApplicationNameForTracing();

What are the other alternatives here?


  • After talking F2F we found the issue is with the value passed in the resourceUri param, while this expects a url of the cluster ("") the provided uri was the ARM resource uri hence no host and no auth sections of the URL were parsed by the call to new URI().