i want to make a open multiplayer rpg game with Godot 4. The problem is that, i have seen a video tutorial (here) and i came accross with this error:
Invalid get index '2' (on base: 'Array').
here is my code
extends Node2D
@onready var camp_fire = preload("res://src/Scenes/camp_fire.tscn")
var tile_size =16
var grid_size = Vector2(160,160)
var grid = []
func _ready():
for x in range(grid_size.x):
for y in range(grid_size.y):
var positions = []
for i in range (50):
var xcoor = (randi() % int(grid_size.x))
var ycoor = (randi() % int(grid_size.y))
var grid_pos = Vector2(xcoor,ycoor)
if not grid_pos in positions:
func _input(event):
if event.is_action_pressed("LeftClick"):
var mouse_pos = get_global_mouse_position()
var multiX = int(round(mouse_pos.x)/tile_size)
var numX = multiX*tile_size
var multiY = int(round(mouse_pos.y)/tile_size)
var numY = multiY*tile_size
var new_pos = Vector2(multiX, multiY)
var new_camp_fire = camp_fire.instantiate()
grid[multiX][multiY] = OBSTACTLE
The solution was simply. I had attach this script at the item which i want player to be able to place. I put this script at Node2D where i spawn the item in map!!!