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Can azurerm_key_vault_certificate set a password on a certificate when generating a new one?

I ran into an issue generating self-signed certificates via the Azure Key Vault where it wasn't possible to add a Subject Alternate Name at the time of creation.

To work around that I tried to create the keys via the azurerm terraform provider. The keys generate successfully but don't have a password.

From what I can see on the documentation for azurerm_key_vault_certificate here a password value can only be added in a certificate block, which is only used when importing a certificate.

I feel a bit stuck between not being able to create a certificate with a SAN via the portal and not being able to create a certificate with an encryption password via terraform. Am I missing something?


  • Can azurerm_key_vault_certificate set a password on a certificate when generating a new one?

    While generating a certificate in azure key vault, you cannot set password. In terraform, to create a new certificate, you have to use certificate_policy argument in azurerm_key_vault_certificate resource which doesn't have password parameter and setting password is only support for importing certificate.

    I ran into an issue generating self-signed certificates via the Azure Key Vault where it wasn't possible to add a Subject Alternate Name at the time of creation.

    I used the following Terraform code to generate a certificate with a Subject Alternative Name in Azure Key Vault:

    resource "azurerm_key_vault_certificate" "kvcert01" {
      name         = "kvcertvjy"
      key_vault_id =
      certificate_policy {
        issuer_parameters {
          name = "Self"       # for self-signed certificates
        key_properties {
          exportable = true
          key_size   = 2048
          key_type   = "RSA"
          reuse_key  = true
        lifetime_action {
          action {
            action_type = "AutoRenew"
          trigger {
            days_before_expiry = 30
        secret_properties {
          content_type = "application/x-pkcs12"
        x509_certificate_properties {
          # Server Authentication =
          # Client Authentication =
          extended_key_usage = [""]
          key_usage = [
          subject_alternative_names {
            dns_names = ["", ""]
          subject            = "CN=hello-world-terraform"
          validity_in_months = 12

    Terrafrom Output: Verify in portal: enter image description here

    I feel a bit stuck between not being able to create a certificate with a SAN via the portal and not being able to create a certificate with an encryption password via terraform. Am I missing something?

    You can create a certificate with SAN in portal by setting DNS names by following the below steps. enter image description here

    Verify the certificate enter image description here