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Direct Web Push gives Error when used from Notification Hub

I'm currently trying to implement the Direct Web Push from the Notification Hub from Azure. However, something seems to be not working, as the Push does not appear and inside Azure I get an "External Notification System Error"

For the Web Push, I'm currently using the "browser" in the ServiceBusNotification-Format. And this is how I'm calling the SendDirectNotificationAsync.

  var browserSubscriptionEndpoint = registration.Endpoint;
  var browserPushHeaders = new Dictionary<string, string> {
      { "P256DH", registration.P256DH },
      { "Auth", registration.Auth },

  string body = "{\"title\": \"Notification Title\", \"body\":\"Notification Hub test notification\"}";

  return await _client.SendDirectNotificationAsync(new BrowserNotification(body, browserPushHeaders) {
        Headers = browserPushHeaders,
        }, browserSubscriptionEndpoint);

The request itself succeeds with a 201 OK, I do get a response and inside of the returned result it says that the NotificationOutcome is "enqueued", however, the notification will not be sent out and inside of Azure itself, I will get the error I said before.

Some of the properties of the request are these here:

RequestUri: ''
TrackingId: randomTrackingId
P256DH: workingP256DHId
Auth: workingAuthId
ServiceBusNotification-Format: browser
traceparent: 00-f6057a955be220cef3f7c7e0fb0d2d4f-661e1efb022a40b0-00
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 79

The response has some of the following properties:

StatusCode: 201, 
ReasonPhrase: 'Created'
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2024 13:37:11 GMT
Server: Kestrel
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=2592000
TrackingId: id
x-ms-correlation-request-id: id
X-Powered-By: Azure Notification Hubs
Content-Length: 0

-> It's not a problem of authorization or of the registration itself not working, as the request goes through and I tried a request with Node.js webpush and postman to the same registration endpoint with the same authorization, vapidkey etc., and I got the push to my browser. So those things should be configured correctly, as far as I'm concerned. But it's possible that some Azure specific things might not be.

It seems to me that the Package is outdated, as the newest release date was Feb 11, 2022. The BrowserNotification is referenced on the Website, but parts of the implementation were not yet in the actual package itself, they were recently added in the github, but without an official update for the package, so I changed some of the code to match the newest update, but it still seems to not work for me.


  • Check that the in the Azure Portal where you can configure the vapid keys for Browser (Web Push), that you have a subject which is an email address with mailto. for example: "" or it could be a url as well i think. See documentation If it is just some string, it will fail internally to send notifications but will not give you a proper feedback. After you changed the subject you have to wait a while until it starts working. For me it took around 30minutes.