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How to move and copy multiple sheets into a single workbooks

I'm trying to copy and groups of sheets to a new workbook using VBA. But the number of sheets in a group can change depending on a criterion.

For example: 35100001-1, 35100001-2, 35100001-3 are sheet names in one workbook.

Now I want to copy sheets with sheet name having the character same these into a single workbook , so here I want a new excel workbook containing these sheets:

35100001 workbook

  • 35100001-1 35100001-2 35100001-3 worksheets

35100002 workbook

  • 35100002-1 35100002-2 35100002-3 worksheets

35100003 workbook

  • 35100003-1 35100003-2 35100003-3 35100003-4 worksheets

35100004 workbook

  • 35100004-1 35100004-2 worksheets

I'm trying to copy and groups of sheets to a new workbook using VBA. But the number of sheets in a group can change depending on a criterion.

thanks for the help, i really appreciate it.


  • Here is a complete worked example. Principle:

    1. Work out the names of all the workbooks I will need

    2. Create those workbooks

    3. Step through every sheet in the workbook and copy to its new home

    4. Save and close all the open workbooks

      Option Explicit

      Sub demo()

       Dim ws As Worksheet, colSheets As Collection, wbName As String
       Set colSheets = New Collection
       'First work out the names of other workbooks to create
       For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Sheets
           wbName = Left(ws.Name, InStr(ws.Name, "-") - 1)
           On Error Resume Next 'force the loop to ignore duplicate keys
           colSheets.Add wbName, wbName
           On Error GoTo 0 'reset error handling
       'Now go create those workbooks - and save in same folder as current workbook
       Dim x As Variant, wb As Workbook
       For Each x In colSheets
           Set wb = Workbooks.Add(1) 'forces the workbook to only have 1 sheet
           'Turn off warnings in case this is a re-run
           Application.DisplayAlerts = False
           wb.SaveAs Filename:=ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & x
           Application.DisplayAlerts = True
       'Now just copy each sheet to it's relevant new home
       For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Sheets
           wbName = Left(ws.Name, InStr(ws.Name, "-") - 1) & ".xlsx"
           ws.Copy After:=Workbooks(wbName).Sheets(Workbooks(wbName).Sheets.Count)
       'Tidy up the new workbooks
       For Each x In colSheets
           Set wb = Workbooks(x & ".xlsx")
           Application.DisplayAlerts = False
           Application.DisplayAlerts = True
           wb.Close SaveChanges:=True

      End Sub

    Plenty of room for improvement - e.g. error handling, skip any known sheets that you don't want to copy etc., etc.