I'm stuck with a problem and I need your help. I'm working on pyshacl validation, which is a Python library for validating RDF graphs against SHACL graphs. I have a shacl shape graph that has a SPARQL construct clause to create new instances and link them with other instances. Then I want to serialize them with the existing data and make a new graph. But when I run the validation, it succeeds without any output. I don't know what went wrong. Also when I run the same query on the GraphDB query editor it is showing possible outcomes. Can anyone help me fix this error?
from rdflib import *
from pyshacl import validate
ontology = Graph().parse("./graphs/DMN-RDF-Dicon-OCQA-Tbox.ttl",
example_building = Graph().parse("./graphs/Duplex_A_20110505_LBD.ttl",
combined_graph = ontology + example_building # Combine the graphs
rules_graph = Graph().parse("testing.ttl",
format="ttl") # Load the SHACL rules graph
# Validate the combined graph and apply the rules
conforms, inferred_graph, string = validate(combined_graph, shacl_graph=rules_graph,
data_graph_format='turtle', shacl_graph_format='turtle',
debug=True, advanced=True, inplace=True)
# Merge the original graph with the inferred graph
new_graph = combined_graph + inferred_graph
# Save the new graph to a new file
destination="Inferred_geometry_inspections.ttl", format="ttl")
Here is my rule graph: (removed prefixes since they are many)
a sh:NodeShape ;
sh:targetNode owl:Thing ;
sh:rule [
a sh:SPARQLRule ;
sh:comment "Select all of eligible objects and create inspections";
sh:construct """
?this ocqa:hasInspection ?Inspection_Number_Of_Risers.
?Inspection_Number_Of_Risers a <http://www.DMN-RDF.org/DMN#Inspection_Number_Of_Risers>.
?ISCode a <http://www.DMN-RDF.org/DMN#ISCode>.
?Agent a <https://w3id.org/digitalconstruction/0.5/Agents#Agent>.
?InspectionEquipment a <https://w3id.org/ocqa#InspectionEquipment>.
?one_time a <http://www.DMN-RDF.org/DMN#one_time>.
?Location a <https://w3id.org/digitalconstruction/0.5/Entities#Location>.
?InspectionProcedure a <https://w3id.org/ocqa#InspectionProcedure>.
SELECT ?this ?Inspection_Number_Of_Risers ?ISCode ?Agent ?InspectionEquipment ?one_time ?Location ?InspectionProcedure
BIND(IRI(CONCAT("inst:Inspection_Number_Of_Risers_", STR(CEIL((RAND() * 30000))))) as ?Inspection_Number_Of_Risers)
BIND(IRI(CONCAT("inst:ISCode_", STR(CEIL((RAND() * 30000))))) as ?ISCode)
BIND(IRI(CONCAT("inst:Agent_", STR(CEIL((RAND() * 30000))))) as ?Agent)
BIND(IRI(CONCAT("inst:InspectionEquipment_", STR(CEIL((RAND() * 30000))))) as ?InspectionEquipment)
BIND(IRI(CONCAT("inst:one_time_", STR(CEIL((RAND() * 30000))))) as ?one_time)
BIND(IRI(CONCAT("inst:Location_", STR(CEIL((RAND() * 30000))))) as ?Location)
BIND(IRI(CONCAT("inst:InspectionProcedure_", STR(CEIL((RAND() * 30000))))) as ?InspectionProcedure)
?this a <https://pi.pauwel.be/voc/buildingelement#Stair> .
?Property a <https://w3id.org/opm#Property> .
?this <http://lbd.arch.rwth-aachen.de/props#actualNumberOfRisers> ?Property .
""" ;
] ;
I fixed it. I just modified the target
a sh:NodeShape ;
sh:target [
a sh:SPARQLTarget ;
sh:comment "Select all of eligible objects";
sh:select """
sh:comment "Create new Inspections to the target objects";
sh:rule [
a sh:SPARQLRule;
sh:construct """
CONSTRUCT {..conditions..}
SELECT ?this ?Inspection_Number_Of_Risers ?ISCode ?Agent ?InspectionEquipment ?one_time ?Location ?InspectionProcedure
WHERE {...conditions...}""" ;
] ; .